Key Features: • Features Highly Concentrated Extracts (5,250 mg DHE*/capsule) of Reishi, Lion’s Mane, Maitake, Shiitake, and Turkey Tail. • Utilizes hot-water extraction + ethanol precipitation processes to retain the most bioactive constituents (i.e. adenosine, triterpenes, and polysaccharides) stored within. Indications: • Support healthy immune function, neurological health and cognition, liver health, and convalesce from physical and mental exertions. • Improve quality of life and immune function as an adjunct therapy to chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and radiation therapy. Description: Mushrooms have a long history of human use for medicinal purposes. From an evolutionary perspective, this isn’t surprising; humans share a closer ancestor with fungi than with any of the other kingdoms, and we share many mutual microbial enemies. Research on the medicinal use of mushrooms is still in its relative infancy although they have already been used in adjunctive cancer therapy in Asia for more than 30 years. The future of medicinal mushrooms is immense in scope and very promising.
Suggested Use: Adults - Take 2 capsules with food, 3 times per day, or as directed by your health care practitioner.